Paperless Medical Practice Guide

As technology continues to change and improve, new functionality is introduced often to support a truly paperless workplace.  All Clients are encouraged to adopt electronic forms of communication and workflows and reduce or eliminate the need for older technologies including Faxing and Printing resulting in reduced time and consumables costs,…

Email & Fax in General Practice

Email is one of the most prevalent and convenient forms of communication. GPs and general practices often receive requests from patients, other clinicians and third parties to send health information via email. As all health information is sensitive by nature, all communication of health information, including via electronic means, must…

Remote Access from a Mac

This guide is for those configuring remote access to work computers using Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac.  For our customers, an RDP shortcut is normally emailed through and immediately usable on any Windows computer without having to configure the Server address.  However, if you’re using a Mac computer, a little…

Identifying Cyber Threats

With so many vulnerabilities discovered daily and viruses released to exploit them, it’s easy to overlook a threat.  This guide serves to help you identify common cyber threats in the wild today.  Unfortunately, it takes only a single click to inadvertently infect your computer; anti-virus and anti-spam software isn’t always…