Recent News

Coronavirus Operational Changes

Please be advised NOYTECH remains fully operational amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  As we continue to provide essential Services to our Clients, it’s business as usual for the foreseeable future. We are continuing to monitor Goverment updates and adhere to restrictions imposed.  As such, we have applied the following operational changes:…

Security & Data Breaches

In response to the new Notifiable Data Breaches scheme mentioned below, we’ve reviewed and revamped our Security Standards which apply to all our Managed Clients. The threat of Cyber Attacks, Viruses and Ransomware as well as Data Loss is ever increasing and is everyone’s business!  Your Manager or IT Provider…

IT in General Practice – HotDoc Blog

Source: IT in General Practice: Experts Share Their 2018 Tips and Predictions By Michael McKay – 29 November 2017 This week I reached out to three leading players in the Health IT space — Jono Noy from Noytech, Jim Doumakis from Jose Health IT and John Drummond from CyberSquad…

Remote Access from a Mac

This guide is for those configuring remote access to work computers using Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac.  For our customers, an RDP shortcut is normally emailed through and immediately usable on any Windows computer without having to configure the Server address.  However, if you’re using a Mac computer, a little…

Identifying Cyber Threats

With so many vulnerabilities discovered daily and viruses released to exploit them, it’s easy to overlook a threat.  This guide serves to help you identify common cyber threats in the wild today.  Unfortunately, it takes only a single click to inadvertently infect your computer; anti-virus and anti-spam software isn’t always…